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This form can be filled out to register activities to be performed under a specific grant or contract (specific project registration) or for research activities performed regularly as part of multiple funded or non-funded projects (general procedures). If the research involves use of live vertebrate animals, an IACUC project number must be provided or statement that the protocol is pending review (list date of anticipated review). For grant-funded projects, the original research description or abstract from the proposal must be attached. If the project is not supported by grant funds, a brief description of the research activities that will be conducted during the project must be attached to the form. If this form is not submitted through the IBC website, PI may email the completed Biological Project Registration Form the ̳ IBC Chair at  HYPERLINK "mailto:ibcchair@ric.edu?subject=̳%20IBC%20Project%20Registration%20form" ibcchair@ric.edu. Incomplete forms will not be reviewed. The IBC will review submissions within 30 days of receipt. Projects are approved for three years, but are to be renewed each year with a declaration that the project protocols are the same as was approved, including changes in personnel and their competencies. Changes in project activities such as use of additional biological agents, significant procedural changes, or modifications that increase the risk of the activities must be approved by the IBC before the changes are made. PIs wanting to modify a current BPRF may submit a memo to the IBC Chair describing the changes. The IBC will respond within 14 days of receipt of a project change description. The PI is required to notify the IBC Chair (by e-mail) when a project is completed or is no longer active. Complete Sections 1, 2, 3, 4 Include a brief description of the research activities or provide the original grant proposal description/abstract Attach SDS or spec sheet (if available) for biological materials used in this project If PI does not certify that research activities are limited to the experimental activities/use of biological materials described in 4A, 4B, 4C, 4D, the project is NOT EXEMPT and the remainder of the form must be completed Available resources to assist in completing this form:  HYPERLINK "http://osp.od.nih.gov/office-biotechnology-activities/biosafety/nih-guidelines" http://osp.od.nih.gov/office-biotechnology-activities/biosafety/nih-guidelines  HYPERLINK "http://www.cdc.gov/biosafety/publications/bmbl5/index.htm" http://www.cdc.gov/biosafety/publications/bmbl5/index.htm  HYPERLINK "http://www.selectagents.gov/index.html" http://www.selectagents.gov/index.html 1. GENERAL INFORMATION & New project & Project registration renewal ID _____________ & Specific Grant title: Project title: Funding agency Grant number (if applicable) & Project title (not grant-specific): & Generic Procedure: Principal Investigator information Name Title Department Office location Office telephone E-mail 2. BIOLOGICAL MATERIALS INFORMATION Biological materials/activity (check all that apply) & Recombinant or synthetic nucleic acid molecules & Transgenic plants or animals & CRISPR/Cas9 or other gene editing technology & Viral nucleic acids & Unfixed/live prokaryotic cells & Unfixed/live eukaryotic cells & Unfixed/live human or non-human primate fluids, cells, tissues & Animals that are known reservoirs of zoonotic diseases ( HYPERLINK "https://www.cdc.gov/ncezid/stories-features/browse/subjects/zoonotic-diseases.html" https://www.cdc.gov/ncezid/stories-features/browse/subjects/zoonotic-diseases.html) & Select agents ( HYPERLINK "https://www.selectagents.gov/)" https://www.selectagents.gov/) & Other potentially biohazardous material, specify ____________________ Biosafety containment level, recDNA risk group, or biohazard (check all that apply) & BL1 & BL2 (see:  HYPERLINK "https://www.cdc.gov/biosafety/publications/bmbl5/index.htm" https://www.cdc.gov/biosafety/publications/bmbl5/index.htm) & RG1 & RG2 (risk group database:  HYPERLINK "https://my.absa.org/tiki-index.php?page=Riskgroups__)" https://my.absa.org/tiki-index.php?page=Riskgroups__) & Select agent ( HYPERLINK "https://www.selectagents.gov/)" https://www.selectagents.gov/) Principal investigator laboratory experience with the biological material(s) or containment level listed in 2A and/or 2B Years _________ Experience with methodology in this registration _________ Context _________________________________________ 3. EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING Plan for training of personnel working with the biological material(s) or containment level listed in 2A and/or 2B & Direct training by RIC Faculty & Training at another institution & Previous training, describe ______________________ & Other, specify ________________________________ 4. DETERMINATION OF EXEMPT ACTIVITIES If the research activities are limited to the experimental activities/use of biological materials that fall into the activities described below, the project is exempt. For additional details on this list, consult:  HYPERLINK "https://osp.od.nih.gov/wp-content/uploads/NIH_Guidelines.html" https://osp.od.nih.gov/wp-content/uploads/NIH_Guidelines.html  HYPERLINK "https://osp.od.nih.gov/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/Experiments_that_are_Exempt_from_the_NIH_Guidelines.pdf" https://osp.od.nih.gov/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/Experiments_that_are_Exempt_from_the_NIH_Guidelines.pdf  HYPERLINK "https://osp.od.nih.gov/biotechnology/faqs-about-experiments-that-are-exempt-from-the-nih-guidelines/" https://osp.od.nih.gov/biotechnology/faqs-about-experiments-that-are-exempt-from-the-nih-guidelines/ Recombinant or synthetic nucleic acid molecules that: Can neither replicate nor generate nucleic acids that can replicate in any living cell (e.g., oligonucleotides or other synthetic nucleic acids that do not contain an origin of replication or contain elements known to interact with either DNA or RNA polymerase) Are not designed to integrate into DNA Do not produce a toxin that is lethal for vertebrates at an LD50 < 100 ng/kg BW Are not in organisms, cells, or viruses and that have not been modified or manipulated (e.g., encapsulated into synthetic or natural vehicles) to render them capable of penetrating cellular membranes Consists solely of the exact recombinant or synthetic nucleic acid sequence from a single source that exists contemporaneously in nature Consists entirely of nucleic acids from a prokaryotic host, including its indigenous plasmids or viruses when propagated only in that host (or a closely related strain), or when transferred to another host by well-established physiological means Consists entirely of nucleic acids from a eukaryotic host including its chloroplasts, mitochondria, or plasmids (but excluding viruses) when propagated only in that host (or a closely related strain) Consists entirely of DNA segments from different species that exchange DNA by known physiological processes, though one or more of the segments may be a synthetic equivalent Are genomic DNA molecules that have acquired a transposable element, provided the transposable element does not contain any recombinant and/or synthetic DNA Do not present a significant risk to health or the environment Biological materials classified as biosafety level 1 (BL1) or risk group 1 (RG1) that are not known to cause disease in healthy adults Research or production activities involving viable organisms containing recombinant or synthetic nucleic acid molecules in LESS THAN 10 liters of culture Select agent toxins of biological origin are NOT used Although these experiments are exempt, it is recommended that they be performed at the appropriate biosafety level for the host or recombinant/synthetic organism (see these publications:  HYPERLINK "https://www.cdc.gov/biosafety/publications/index.htm" https://www.cdc.gov/biosafety/publications/index.htm) By typing name, title, and date in the box below, the principal investigator certifies that the project described in this registration application form is limited to the activities listed above. This exempt status does not exempt proper training of personnel involved in the project or authorize the use of BL2 facilities and resources. The IBC Chair will confirm the EXEMPT status and assign a project number. Name (First, MI, Last)Title/rankDate 5. LABORATORY INFORMATION/TRAINING Please list any abbreviations used in this registration form: Is this project part of a course or teaching lab? & YES & NO List ALL Laboratories, facilities, an resources that will be used during this research project and the corresponding biosafety level of the materials that will be in those locations. Note that some materials and activities may require additional containment if being transported to different locations on or off campus. Check box if applicableBuilding/Room/Other locale Biosafety LevelBiological Safety CabinetHuman Materials usedMicroscopeCryogenic storage Will animals be used for this project? & NO & YES, provide IACUC Protocol __________ Will mixed waste (hazardous chemical/biological) be generated? & NO & YES, indicate how the waste will be decontaminated and disposed List all laboratory personnel working on this project, including PI, and their training. NOTE: THIS LIST MUST BE UPDATED IN THE INSTANCE OF A CHANGE IN PERSONNEL WITH AN E-MAIL OR WRITTEN MESSAGE TO THE IBC Chair. NAMEROLE ON PROJECTEXPERIENCETRAINING If someone other than the PI will be training any personnel participating in this protocol, list their name, credetials, and contact information below with a brief explanation as to why the PI is not personally training those listed above: NAMEROLE ON PROJECTCREDENTIALSREASON FOR TRAINING 6. USE OF RECOMBINANT OR SYNTHETIC NUCLEIC ACIDS If applicable, list the source of gene, insert, or clone in expression constructs Source of DNA/RNA/probeDescribe InsertCRISPR/Cas9 or gene editing?Proteins expressed?Encoding a Toxin?DNA from USDA-regulated plant, animal, insect**If yes, and the regulated organism is grown or stored at ̳, please include a copy of the USDA permit. (USDA HYPERLINK "http://www.aphis.usda.gov/brs/index.html"http://www.aphis.usda.gov/brs/index.html) COMMENTS: If applicable, list the vectors or host cells to be used with the material listed in 5A and/or 5B; this includes viral vectors; specificfy if sgRNA and Cas9 in separate loci in CRISPR experiments Vector designationSourceRecipient bacterial strainsHost cell linesPromoter typePackaging cell linesCOMMENTS: Use in animals, plants or insectsFor transgenic or knockout organisms, describe the transgene and vectorTransgene Recipient CRISPR/Cas9 or similar gene editingExpected phenotype (for example, immunodeficient, enhanced disease susceptibility, early disease onset or resistance, etc.)Use of recombinant or synthetic nucleic acids in animals or plants COMMENTS: CRISPR/Cas9 or similar gene editing experiments: If gene editing is performed, list the life stage of the organism:Describe the containment of the organism with edited gene(s) or is the locale outside its habitable range? Barriers?Will this organism reproduce? Can it reproduce with wild strains? If yes, reiterate containment protocol. Are the sgRNA and Cas9 in separate loci?Expected phenotype (for example, immunodeficient, enhanced disease susceptibility, early disease onset or resistance, etc.):Describe any additional molecules not completely described in the tables above Large-scale research or production activities involving viable organisms containing recombinant or synthetic nucleic acid molecules grown in more than 10 liters of culture at one time & NO & YES, identify culture room and type of equipment used 7. USE OF INFECTIOUS BIOLOGICAL AGENTS List agents/microorganisms to be used in the project, the CDC-designated biosafety level, and infection potential (note that no agents higher than BL2 are authorized for use at ̳) Agent/microorganism (species, strain)SourceCDC Biosafety LevelHuman pathogenPathogenic to other animalsPlant pathogen If agent can infect humans, list infectious dose information Experimental procedures Describe procedures involving use of infectious agent (indicate culture volume, maximum concentration). How and at what stage of the experiment is the infectious agent inactivated or lysed? Will experiments result in acquisition of new characteristics such as enhanced virulence, infectivity, drug resistance, or change in host range? & NO & YES, explain Containment and decontamination procedures Describe protective equipment required to minimize exposure of laboratory personnel during all procedures requiring handling or manipulation of infectious agent List procedures for decontamination of work surfaces, instruments, equipment, liquid containing infectious materials and glassware List disposal procedures for contaminated sharps, contaminated solid waste, tissues, pipette tips, etc. If using viral vectors, describe the method used to test for replication-competent virus 8. USE OF HUMAN AND NON-HUMAN PRIMATE MATERIALS List materials and handling of human and non-human primate materials Type (blood, bone, sputum, cells)Source Prior treatment (fixation, heat treatment, etc.)Storage & ContainmentOther information If agent is infectious, list infectious dose information Experimental procedures Describe procedures involving use of these materials List precautions and PPE that will be used to minimize laboratory worker exposure Containment and decontamination procedures Describe how the materials will be contained to minimize distribution of potentially infectious agents in the laboratory workspace List procedures for decontamination of work surfaces, instruments, equipment, liquid containing potentially infectious materials and glassware List disposal procedures for contaminated sharps, contaminated solid waste, tissues, pipette tips, etc.  Is there a bloodborne pathogen exposure control plan in place? & NO & YES, include documentation (see for more information  HYPERLINK "http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/topics/bbp/" http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/topics/bbp/) 9. OCCUPATIONAL MEDICINE (Usually not applicable to research at RIC; see IBC Biosafety Manual Appendix I) Some research protocols rated as BL2 may involve a need for services from an occupational medical provider. Are pre-project serum samples, immunization or medical monitoring or surveillance advisable? & NO & YES, describe the need Is an FDA approved vaccine available if individuals working with microorganisms involved in this research project want it? & NO & YES, contact RIC 10. USE OF SELECT AGENT TOXINS OF BIOLOGICAL ORIGIN For information on select agent toxin see  HYPERLINK "http://$+,Tijk3 / < ) N W s u ƼullchZ hJCJhZ hTCJhZ h^6CJhH)[hH)[5CJ hCJh)hH)[0JCJhZ hH)[CJ hH)[CJjhH)[CJUhZ hCJhZ hie"5CJ'jhZ hie"5CJUmHnHuhZ h5CJhZ h?5CJhZ h^CJhZ h?CJ&,Tik3 4 v w > & FgdS^ & Fgd.qgdS^dhgdS^$a$gdS^gdS^u v C m qrs/MWr@AFb{rrr{rhZ hie"CJ hZ CJhZ h CJ hH)[CJhZ h.0JCJjhZ h.CJUjhZ h.CJUhZ h.CJhZ hCJhZ hfK CJhZ h^CJhZ hVCJhZ h6jCJhZ hTCJhZ hCJ,=>EIW#&'7BRqr WXYZ¹Թ˧xm`PjhZ h{ACJUjhZ h{ACJUhZ hhK0JCJjhZ hhKCJUhZ hhKCJjhZ hhKCJUhZ h{ACJhZ h2CJhZ hvCJhZ hfK CJhZ h,CJhZ hw CJ hH)[CJhZ hICJhZ hCJhZ h.qCJhZ h5CJ>rsY=>?@AYZ: & Fgd+W^gd+Wgdi & FgdO2/h^hgdS^gdS^ & Fgd2 & Fgdw ;<>?@AXY^ȸѭަtaVMChZ hHM>*CJhZ hHMCJhZ hHMCJPJ$jhZ hCJUmHnHuhZ h*CJPJhZ hCJhZ h5CJhZ h]5CJhZ h}f5CJ hZ hhZ hhK0JCJjhZ hhKCJUhZ hhKCJjhZ hhKCJUhZ h{ACJhZ h{A0JCJjhZ h{ACJU8:<@NPLlnz~ͽǴͮǴǴvmvmvmd[hZ hw;CJhZ hieCJhZ hZCJhZ hHMCJhZ hiCJh+Wh+W>*CJhZ h+WCJPJ hZ h+WCJOJPJQJ^J h*CJhZ h+WCJhZ h*>*CJ h+WCJhZ h*CJhZ hCJhZ hy,CJPJhZ h*CJPJhZ hi>*CJ! ,Ln|~66bfJ D !^gdy,^gdS^ & FgdO2/gdS^^gdS^6:68:fDFHhln··|m|`||Q|`|jhKn:CJPJUhKn:hKn:0JCJPJjhKn:CJPJUjhKn:CJPJUhKn:CJPJhZ hcCJPJhZ hy,CJPJ hZ hy,CJOJPJQJ^JhZ h CJPJhZ h:]CJPJhZ hCJPJhZ hCJhZ h:5CJhZ h5CJhZ hie5CJDHNVZ^df~   l!n!p!ƻƻ{sgsXgjh-CJPJUjh-CJPJUh-CJPJhSBhSB0JCJPJjhSBCJPJUhSBCJPJjhSBCJPJUhr|CJPJhKn:CJPJhZ hpCJPJhZ hCJPJhZ hZCJPJhZ hICJhZ hZCJhZ hpCJhZ hCJp!!!!!!","-"."L"M"O"f"q"""""""""""###D#E#F#G#c#ɽɮј}}w}ne[hZ hc-5CJhZ h$CJhZ hc-CJ hSBCJhZ hw;CJhZ h:CJhZ hieCJhZ hICJhKn:hKn:0JCJPJjhKn:CJPJUjhKn:CJPJUhKn:CJPJhZ hICJPJhZ hpCJPJjh-CJPJUh-h-0JCJPJ !N"O""#E#F#G#c#d##B$$$T%%&5'(((,) & F hgdO2/ hgdS^gdy, & FgdigdS^ & FgdO2/^gdS^c#d##$$@$B$F$$$$$$R%V%^%%%%%%%4&R&[&g&z&&&&&&Ļ|sj[P[hIxhIxCJaJjhIxhIxCJUaJhZ h'oCJhZ hmCJhZ h>CJ hIxCJhZ hX?H5CJhZ h$CJhZ hX?HCJhZ h 5CJhZ hm5CJhZ h$CJhZ ha1CJhZ ha1CJPJhZ hc-CJPJhZ hw;CJhZ hc-CJhZ h$5CJ&3'4'5'6'''(((((((((((%)+),)-)*1*2*3*B*X*Y*Z****ʿʲʿʿʲʜ}t}i^t}i^t}iRihZ hACJH*PJhZ h$CJPJhZ hACJPJhZ hN,BCJhZ hN,BCJPJhZ h!c?CJPJhZ h!c?CJhIxhCJaJhIxhuHCJaJhIxhy,0JCJaJhIxhy,CJaJjhIxhy,CJUaJhIxhIxCJaJjhIxhIxCJUaJhIxhIx0JCJaJ ,)2*Y**r++,-g./C/D///f0g00011q33 $$Ifa$gd:% hgd hgdS^ & F hgdO2/ h^gd & F h^gdi*****R+q+r+s+y+z+++++,,,,,,,,,,-------I.f.j..///#/%/B/C/D/x/{/ֵֵֵֵ֪֪֟֔˟whZ h$CJPJhZ hCJhZ hCJhZ hsCJPJhZ hiCJPJhZ h8MCJPJhZ h,CJPJhZ hkCJPJhZ h$CJPJhZ hN,BCJPJhZ h!c?CJhZ hACJPJhZ hQCJPJ-{//////C0G0P0e0f0g0h0m00000D1X1Y1Z11111111#2n2p2|22ؼἳżxndZdZhZ h 5CJhZ hI5CJhZ hT5CJhZ h5CJhIxhIx0JCJjihIxCJUjhIxCJU hIxCJhZ hCJhZ hiCJhZ h$CJhZ hi5CJhZ hvCJhZ hT5CJhZ h$CJhZ h$CJPJhZ h`:CJPJ!2 3 3&3'3p3q33333333333333344h4l4r4|4444@55566666637ͪ럔vvvmgm huHCJhZ hwCJhZ hwCJPJhuHCJPJhZ h.CJPJhZ hACJPJhZ hCJPJ huH5CJhZ h25CJhZ h5CJhZ h`5hZ hA5CJhZ hQ5CJhZ h 5CJhZ h5CJhZ h`5CJ'3333333Tkd\ $$IflF &   t06    44 lapyt:% $$Ifa$gd:%33334444^YYMDMD hgdS^ & F hgdO2/gdS^kd $$Ifl(F &   t06    44 lapyty,466666$ h$Ifa$gdS^ h$IfgdS^ hgdS^ & F hgdO2/6666667G::::: h$IfgdS^kd $$IfTl44 F<S% %04     4 laf4p%yt:%T777777777Ff h$IfgdS^777 7!77*** h$IfgdS^kd+$$IfTl4ֈ]L D F05 4 layt T!7"7#7$7%7*kd$$IfTl4ֈ]L D F05 4 layt T h$IfgdS^%7&7'7(7)7*7+7 h$IfgdS^+7,7-7.7/77*** h$IfgdS^kd$$IfTl4ֈ]L D F05 4 layt T/707172737*kd$$IfTl4ֈ]L D F05 4 layt T h$IfgdS^3747j8z9|9~99:::::::$ $Ifa$gdS^ h^gdy, & F hgdO2/ hgdS^ 37478*8V88889x9~9999:::::::::::::::::::::::::::;֞uhuHhuHCJPJhZ h5CJhZ hW5CJhZ hn@N5CJhZ h~5CJhZ hn@N5CJPJhZ hy,5CJPJhZ hy,CJPJhZ hWCJPJhZ hn@NCJPJhZ hwCJPJhZ hCJPJhZ hCJ)::::::VGGGG $IfgdS^kd$$Ifl4\ D%f*: t0644 laf4ytW::::::VGGGG $IfgdS^kd;$$Ifl4\ D%f*: t0644 laf4ytuH::::::VGGGG $IfgdS^kd$$Ifl4\ D%f*: t0644 laf4ytuH::::::VGGGG $IfgdS^kd$$Ifl4a\ D%f*: t0644 laf4ytuH::::::VGGGG $IfgdS^kdE$$Ifl4s\ D%f*: t0644 laf4ytuH::::::VGGGG $IfgdS^kd$$Ifl4j\ D%f*: t0644 laf4ytuH:::;;;VMA//$ $Ifa$gd & F hgduH hgdS^kd$$Ifl4F\ D%f*: t0644 laf4ytuH;;;;;;<<<H<I<b<g<r<w<}<<<<6=Y=======>(>)>+>5>ƽydWhZ hB* CJphp(jhZ hLB* CJUphphZ hLB* CJphp"jhZ hB* CJUphphZ hV'CJhZ hy,CJhZ hy,5CJhZ hCJhZ hCJhZ h5CJhZ h25CJhZ hW5CJ huH5CJhZ huH5CJhuHhCJPJ;;<<< < <D555 $Ifgd kdO$$Ifl4\ D%f*: t0644 laf4yt $ $Ifa$gd  < < < <<<<Gkd$$Ifl4\ D%f*: t0644 laf4ytuH $Ifgd <<<<<<VGGGG $Ifgd kd$$Ifl4f\ D%f*: t0644 laf4ytuH<<I<<<<<VQI<<< h$IfgdS^ & FgdO2/gdS^kd_$$Ifl4\ D%f*: t0644 laf4ytuH<<=5=6=(kd $$Iflֈ% /&c t0644 layty, h$IfgdS^6=7=8=9=:=;=<= h$IfgdS^<===>=?=@=5((( h$IfgdS^kd$$Iflֈ% /&c t0644 layty,@=A=B=C=D=(kd$$Iflֈ% /&c t0644 layty, h$IfgdS^D=E=F=G=H=I=J= h$IfgdS^J=K=L=M=N=5((( h$IfgdS^kdM$$Iflֈ% /&c t0644 layty,N=O=P=Q=R=(kd $$Iflֈ% /&c t0644 layty, h$IfgdS^R=S=T=U=V=W=X= h$IfgdS^X=Y=+>5>6>5,,, hgdS^kd$$Iflֈ% /&c t0644 layty,5>6>>>>>c???@@@@@@@@@ A AAAAFAGAC"C#C,CECICTCqCrCCCpDDDDܿܿܿ嶰|s|sl huH5CJhZ hCJhZ hS^CJhZ hvCJhZ huH5CJhuHhZ CJhZ huHCJ huHCJ h<CJhZ h<CJhZ hy,CJhZ hy,5CJhZ hV'5CJhZ hKCJhZ htCJhZ hV'CJhZ h!PCJ'6>> ??0?@?N?c? 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RETRIEVED 1/26/18 FROM:  HYPERLINK "https://www.selectagents.gov/PermissibleToxinAmounts.html" https://www.selectagents.gov/PermissibleToxinAmounts.html (updated March 2017) ToxinRegulatory Threshold Quantity Expected QuantityAbrin1000 mgShort, paralytic alpha conotoxins100 mgDiacetoxyscirpenol (DAS)10,000 mgRicin1000 mgSaxitoxin500 mgTetrodotoxin500 mgBotulinum neurotoxins1.0 mgStaphylococcal enterotoxins (subtypes A, B, C, D, E)100 mgT-2 toxin10,000 mgDescribe any select agent toxin used in the project if is not listed above: See  HYPERLINK "https://www.selectagents.gov/SelectAgentsandToxinsList.html" https://www.selectagents.gov/SelectAgentsandToxinsList.html SKIP THIS SECTION IF THERE HAVE BEEN NO INCIDENTS WITH BIOLOGICAL MATERIALS UNDER YOUR SUPERVISION AND AUTHORITY 11. INCIDENTS WITH BIOLOGICAL MATERIALS Incidents involving RG2 and BL2 activities must be reported. Incidents include an injury-causing accident, a large volume spill, or other significant event. Has an incident occurred? & NO & YES Report dateWhere was report filed?Describe incidentDescribe whether a procedure or practice was changed to avoid the incident from reoccurring 12. CERTIFICATION BY THE PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR By entering name, title/rank, and date below, the principal investigator: Certifies that the information contained in this application is accurate and complete. Agrees to abide by the provisions of the current NIH Guidelines, the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts, other specific NIH instructions pertaining to the proposed research, federal, state, and local regulations, and the provisions of ̳ IBC. Assures that No non-exempt recombinant or synthetic nucleic acid research subject to the NIH Guidelines will be started before review and approved by the ̳ IBC. All appropriate biosafety level laboratory techniques will be implemented in the research Compliance with all shipping requirements for biological materials Laboratory workers will be provided copies of approved protocols that describe the potential biohazards and the precautions to be taken The PI will train researchers in good microbiological practices and techniques required to ensure safety for this project, in the procedures for dealing with accidents, and in waste management procedures All personnel will be supervised and work errors and conditions that could result in breaches of the NIH Guidelines will be adequately addressed Name (First, MI, Last)Title/rankDate ̳ IBC USE ONLY MARK STATUSBiosafety/risk levelApproved EXEMPT - APPROVAL #Approved NON-EXEMPT - APPROVAL #Conditional approval, pending response to information requestNot approved, subject to re-review pending response to information requestRejected (see comments below) Additional Information requestedDate of request ____________ Renewal dateComments  IBC Chair Date  Other, if necessary Date  Other, if necessary Date     Approval Date: Renewal Date:Project ID: PAGE 1  PAGE 9 ̳ IBC Biological Research Project Form January 2017 v. 5.0 INSTRUCTIONS ̳ IBC Biological Research Project Form INS(B(D(F(((((((^)b))*>*E*J*K*U*V*X*Y*q*r*s******* + + +ƽƽwlf]hZ h-kCJ hH)[CJh)h-k0JCJh-kh-kCJjh-kCJU hCJ h-kCJh-k5CJ\hZ h^l5CJ\hZ h !CJhZ h@CJhZ h^lCJhZ hgCJhZ h?0JCJjhZ h?CJUj?5hZ h?CJUhZ h?CJ! ++2+D+E+K+S+T+^P  !$IfgdS^kd5$$IflFSl&@ 06    4 layt-k $$Ifa$gd@ $$Ifa$gdS^ +2+:+;+C+D+E+K+N+O+S+T+U+m+w+~++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ,,1,2,5,9,:,;,E,F,H,O,P,Q,Z,],^,ٿ⬣hZ hO|CJhZ hCJhZ h6CJ h-kCJh-kh-k5CJh-kh5CJhZ hCJhZ h-kCJhZ h@5CJhZ h5CJ?T+U+w+~++vmaa $$Ifa$gdS^ $IfgdS^kd6$$IflFSl&@ 06    4 layt-k+++++vmaa $$Ifa$gdS^ $IfgdS^kd07$$IflFSl&@ 06    4 layt-k+++++vmaa $$Ifa$gdS^ $IfgdS^kd7$$IflFSl&@ 06    4 layt-k+++++vmaa $$Ifa$gdS^ $IfgdS^kdb8$$IflFSl&@ 06    4 layt-k+++++vmaa $$Ifa$gdS^ $IfgdS^kd8$$IflFSl&@ 06    4 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