ࡱ> U =dbjbjnn 4aa[J< < 8LL(>% OLQLQLQLQLQLQL$N8Q\uL111uLL 1OL 1OL V&@'wC' ;LL0L+'xQQ''\Q'<$11 11111uLuL+r111L1111Q111111111< B ~:  RHODE ISLAND COLLEGE GRANT BUDGET GUIDE Prepared for Congratulations on your recent grant funding. As Principal Investigator (PI) or Project Director (PD), the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) at ̳ has prepared this budget guide to assist you in the financial management of your grant award. While you or your designee is responsible for the fiscal monitoring, programmatic requirements, and spending down of your new grant there are a number of systems and offices on-campus prepared to assist you. This guide is a reference and details how your grant budget has been established, what your available budget lines are, how to spend against those lines and whom to contact for any questions or assistance. ABOUT YOUR NEW GRANT BUDGET Your grant budget has been prepared in PeopleSoft, the Colleges financial system, much in the same way a departments budget is established. You will use College paper and electronic forms to request purchases, process reimbursements and payroll for grants. You are subject to the same forms, processes and regulations all departments use. However, grant and departmental budgets in PeopleSoft are not divided by tasks and so may not be an exact copy of your proposal budget. PeopleSoft budgets are broken into budget lines known as accounts. If you have questions or concerns, please contact OSP at x8228. General financial, balance or billing questions should be addressed to Grant Accounting at x8402 or x8197. We look forward to working with you. IDENTIFYING DATA REQUIRED FOR ALL CORRESPONDENCE The following data identifies your grant and the year in which your award exists (if you have received a multi-year award). Any time you fill out a form to spend your funding or communicate with a support office, the following information must be included. If this information is not included in its entirety, expenses may not process properly. The combination of grant #, dept. #, budget reference and account respectively refer to your grant, your department number for reference, what year your grant is in (such as being in year 1 of a 5-year grant award) and the budget line within your grant against which to spend funds. Grant # (Project): Fund: 380Department #: Activity: 001Budget Reference # (Year): Emplid: 0000000Ledger Group: PROJGRANTBusiness Unit: ̳OLAccount: The account you list refers to which budget line you will use. Your available lines are listed below. BUDGET TRANSLATION (HOW YOUR PROPOSAL BUDGET WAS CREATED IN PEOPLESOFT) The list below describes how your proposal budget has been summarized in PeopleSoft. The original proposal budget lines (left column) are translated to the Colleges financial system using College account codes (right column). Please refer to this list when you have budget expenditure questions. Your budget line (what did you write in your proposal?)  = PeopleSoft budget line (Account)  SUMMARY OF YOUR PEOPLESOFT GRANT BUDGET This is a summary of your PeopleSoft grant budget based upon the above translation of your proposal budget. To spend any particular budget line (each budget line is known as an account) within your grant budget, you must list the desired account number you see below along with the grants identifying numbers on any forms or correspondence. HOW TO ACCESS YOUR PEOPLESOFT BUDGET You may access PeopleSoft Financials from anywhere on-campus to review your budget and available balances. Expenses in PeopleSoft are divided by budget line (the account numbers listed in the NOGA.) It is helpful to check your grant budget periodically and contact support offices with questions. To access PeopleSoft and run a budget status report. More detailed instructions can be found on the Fac/Staff FAQs tab under Accounting/Budget pagelet with link Grant/ICR/Project Budget Inquiry (Financials): From an on-campus computer, open a web browser and visit  HYPERLINK "https://my.ric.edu/" https://my.ric.edu/ . Enter your User ID, the same one you would use to login to your office computer, and press the LOGIN button. Upon successful login, you will see your main portal page. Select the Staff/Admin tab. Click the Financial Systems (On Campus) link, located at the bottom right of the page. Inside the system, click the ̳ Custom Applications link and then click on ̳ Commitment Control Menu > Budget Reports > ̳ Budget Status Report. Type in the Project number of your grant and press Run. This report will provide you with expense and balance information on each line of your grant account. On the Process Scheduler Request screen that pops up after the Run button has been clicked, do not change any settings. Simply click the OK button. You will be returned to the report setup screen. Click the Process Monitor link, then click the Refresh button on the page to refresh it until the row at the top of the Process List (the rows listed underneath the blue heading that says Process List) shows a value of Success and Posted for the Run Status and Distribution Status, respectively. Click the Details link on that row when the report has been successfully run and posted. On the resulting Process Detail page, click the View Log/Trace link in the bottom-right corner. You should now see PeopleSoft report results and logs underneath the File List header. Click the link that reads ZRBD****PDF. The link with .PDF on the end of its name is your report. Your PDF budget status report should now be open in your internet browser! If it does not appear check the pop-up blocker settings and allow pop-ups for this site. You should also be able to save and print this report for future reference. NOTE: If this is the first time accessing the budget status report, contact Grant Accounting (x8197) to set up the run control. RESOURCES FOR GENERAL QUESTIONS For general financial or billing questions, please contact Grant Accounting at x8402 or x8197. For specific questions regarding purchasing, travel, payroll and other College policies, please contact the support office listed below next to the relevant budget line. To add authorized users to view your grant balance or make orders, or to discuss modifying your grant budget, please contact OSP at x8228. HOW TO ADMINISTER YOUR BUDGET (AND SPEND THE FUNDS) Each account in the PeopleSoft grant budget has a specific form or College procedure associated with it in order to be properly spent against. Below is a description of award accounts and whom to contact for assistance. Departmental assistant(s) can help in completing the proper forms. Biweekly Payroll / Fringe Benefits (66230 / 66210) For questions, contact: Grant Accounting x8402, Human Resources x8216 Form(s) to use: Effort forms (Grant Accounting), hiring forms (HR) Send form(s) to: Grant Accounting if effort certification forms, HR if hiring forms How to spend against it: Biweekly payroll and fringe benefit accounts in your grant budget are meant to pay a full-time employee or academic year release time. Biweekly payroll and fringe benefits are applied to your grant by the Grant Accounting office after the PI/PD notifies Grant Accounting of the individuals and percentages of effort to be applied to the grant. If hiring a new full-time employee you will have to first coordinate employee hiring with the Human Resources Office which will require additional forms. Whether hiring someone new or obtaining release time, you should contact the Grant Accounting Office to ensure they are aware of the details and to ensure biweekly payroll is being charged to your grant. College Monthly Payroll (Special Monthly Payroll) / FICA (60255 / 66220) For questions, contact: Accounting x8001 Form(s) to use: College Monthly Payroll Timesheets & MP Hiring forms available at:  HYPERLINK "http://www.ric.edu/humanresources/Pages/Forms-and-Links.aspx" http://www.ric.edu/humanresources/Pages/Forms-and-Links.aspx Send form(s) to: Completed MP Hiring Form go to Human Resources (Building 6) and Timesheets go to Accounting (Building 5) How to spend against Grant: College Monthly Payroll is typically used to pay persons doing additional work or part-time work. Regular workers who have not been hired on a biweekly, full-time basis or faculty performing work over the summer are most often paid on College Monthly Payroll. Employees hired through the College Monthly Payroll, whether new hires or existing faculty and staff, must fill out one of the MP forms that best fits the hiring situation. MP forms are found on the human resources website (link above.) Please follow the approval process as instructed on the MP form. Be sure to include the PeopleSoft Grant # on the timesheet. . Student Payroll (60240) For questions, contact: Career Development Center x8031, Payroll x8695 Form(s) to use: Student Employment Forms (SEF) for hiring (Career Development) Student Employment Job Description Form (Career Development) Timesheets (provided by Payroll when hired) Send form(s) to: Career Development and thereafter as directed How to spend against it: Student payroll is a line that is automatically charged when students are hired and working on your grant funded activity. To begin the process of advertising and hiring for student positions, contact the Career Development Center. Please note that there are regulations and policies in place regarding the number of hours students may work and pay scales are also regulated by that office. Please contact them with any questions. When students are hired, Payroll should send you timesheets every two weeks. You are responsible for signing and returning those timesheets. Please also note that students hired to work on a grant must also be trained in the Responsible Conduct of Research should the research be funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) or the National Institutes of Health (NIH). The OSP website has more information on this requirement at HYPERLINK "http://www.ric.edu/osp/Pages/responsible-conduct-of-research-training-procedures.aspx"http://www.ric.edu/osp/Pages/responsible-conduct-of-research-training-procedures.aspx For any further questions, please contact Payroll directly. Honorarium (60263) For questions, contact: Accounting x8001 Form(s) to use: Check request forms (Accounts Payable) Send form(s) to: Grant Accounting (Building 4) How to spend against it: Check request forms are commonly used to pay one-time speakers, presenters and consultants. Filling out and submitting a check request form (with a W-9 included) to the location noted above will charge the honorarium to your grant. Note that check request forms allow you to specify the precise budget line or account against which to charge the honorarium, so if your grant award has an Honorarium line budgeted please make sure to indicate on the form that the Honorarium line should be one charged. Consulting (60269) For questions, contact: Purchasing x8047 Form(s) to use: A PeopleSoft requisition is to be entered to start the process. In order for a Purchase Order to be issued the request requires budgetary and procurement approval. The following regulations for services are to be followed: Guidelines for Consultants: $500 - $5,000 requires three proposals. $5,000 - $20,000 will require ̳ Purchasing to post the RFP on the State Website and will need to be approved by the Office of Post-Secondary Commissioner. $20,000 or greater requires a Request for Proposal (RFP) to be posted on the State of RI Division of Purchases Quasi website, bids will have to be evaluated and approved by the Associate Commissioner of Higher Education. PIs should contact Purchasing for further guidance. Subawards (60260) For questions, contact: OSP x8228, Purchasing x8047 Form(s) to use: Subaward request form (OSP), monthly receiving report (Purchasing) Send form(s) to: OSP (135, 137 Guardo Hall) How to spend against it: A subaward is an award provided by ̳ to an external entity or subrecipient. There is a Principal Investigator at the subrecipient entity and the subrecipient is required to complete a defined scope of work. To formalize your subaward after your grant comes in, please fill out a subaward request form (electronically linked above and found on the OSP website) and send it to OSP. OSP will establish and encumber your subaward, at which time the subawardee will be directed via the subaward document issued by OSP to send invoices to you. Whenever you receive invoices, please attach them to a monthly receiving report (from Purchasing) and forward them to the location listed above. The subawardee can be paid up to the total dollar amount of the subaward itself, and will not be paid beyond that unless you request OSP to make a modification to increase the subaward amount. Please be aware that establishing or modifying a subaward is a lengthy and complex process as a contract document is generated. You should complete OSPs subaward request form as soon as possible, before the subaward is to begin; we will not automatically establish or continue a subaward document when a grant award is received. Please notify us of your needs as soon as your grant account is established. Supplies (General, Office, Laboratory, Computer, Educational) (60300, 60323, 60435, 60442, 60432) For questions, contact: Purchasing x8047 Form(s) to use: Online PeopleSoft requisition (Purchasing) Send form(s) to: Online requisitions are routed automatically after submission. How to spend against it: Supply purchases are currently routed through the Purchasing Office and online purchase requisition forms. Please contact the Purchasing Office for access to and training for the online requisitioning system. Depending on the type(s) of supply accounts in your grant budget, you may identify different accounts to use for the purchase by entering the appropriate supply account number on the form itself. (Please see the grant budget summary above for account numbers.) State Procurement Regulations for grant purchases have been delegated to the ̳ Purchasing Department. The rules and regulations are to be followed, but will be handled internally by the Purchasing Office. Materials: Materials less than $500 require only one, verbal or written quote Materials $500 - $5,000 require 3 written quotes Materials $5,000 or greater must be bid out through the RI College Purchasing Department If there is a Master Price Agreement (MPA), review requirements and contract value thresholds noted on the MPA. There are special exemptions for Research purchases pertaining to live animals/specimens and Laboratory Equipment. This takes place if an item requested for purchase is a sole or single source request. ̳ Purchasing has delegated authority to purchase these items internally. Travel (In-state, Out-of-state, Domestic, International) (60341, 60342, 60343, 60339) For questions, contact: Accounting x8001 Form(s) to use: Travel preapproval form, travel reimbursement form Send form(s) to: Grant Accounting (Building 4) How to spend against it: Travel requiring flights and hotel stays can be accomplished in two ways. The most recommended method of travel is to first contact Debby Iannuccilli in Accounting (x8001) to request a travel preapproval and to ask any questions you may have. Travel preapproval means that the State-approved travel agent will directly book and bill the cost of your airfare and hotel. The agent will work with you to book your flight and hotel and the amount will be charged directly to your grant, meaning you wont have to put up personal funds for those parts of the trip. Save all travel documentation. When you return, you must complete an Accounting travel report form whether or not you are to be reimbursed for any additional personal expenses incurred during the trip, and you must submit the form within 30 days of return to the location noted above. You can also book travel arrangements yourself using personal funds, in which case youd still need to fill out a travel report form requesting all funds be reimbursed to you within 30 days of your return. However, you must be aware of all Accounting, State and Federal travel policies. If issues arise your reimbursement may be delayed, limited or certain portions denied. Please contact the Accounting Office or visit their website for policy information. You MUST follow the College travel policy by contacting the College travel agency to get a quote before booking an airfare. You must attach the quote from the College travel agent (Shorts Travel) to the reimbursement form, even if you book a pre-approved lower-cost air-fare. In-state automobile travel can be paid via a mileage reimbursement form, also obtained from Accounting. Automobile travel reimbursement should be submitted on a monthly basis to the location listed above. Conference registration costs may be bundled into this account code (and included as part of the travel line) if you did not previously split the registration and travel costs in your proposal budget. In those cases you may include conference registration fees along with your travel report form. Call Accounting and Debby Iannuccilli with any questions. Conference Sponsoring / Attending (60347 / 60348) For questions, contact: Purchasing x8047, Conferences & Special Events x8022 or x9854. Form(s) to use: Online purchase requisitions, generally Send form(s) to: Online requisitions are routed automatically. How to spend against it: Conference accounts are established for sponsored programs that intend to host or send personnel to attend conferences. Due to the wide variety of ways and places in which conferences can be held, it is difficult to pin the entire process to one form or one office. However, on-campus events should be coordinated through the Office of Convocationswho can direct you to room reservations and give you information and assistance. You can also log onto the online reservation system at  HYPERLINK "https://ricalendar.ric.edu/virtualems/" https://ricalendar.ric.edu/virtualems/. If you see third-party conference-related services in the above budget translation guide assigned to the Conference Sponsoring account, please use that account number on any corresponding online purchase requisitions to properly assign the costs to the conference budget line (account). You may wish to coordinate with the Purchasing Office to ensure a smooth flow of payments for conference hosting. Staff and faculty attending conferences may be assigned to a Conference Attending account. This means that we assumed from your proposal budget that a large sum of funding has been awarded for conference registration costs. In this case, please contact Purchasing for assistance on conference registration. You will likely be required to send an online requisition with copies of the registration forms attached, and Purchasing will arrange the conference registration on your behalf. Food and Meeting Expenses (60345) For questions, contact: Donovan Dining x8207, Accounting x8001 Form(s) to use: Donovan forms, purchase requisitions or check request forms for reimbursements Send form(s) to: Donovan for processing, return forms sent by Donovan or Accounting to Grant Accounting (Building 4) How to spend against it: A food/meeting account is intended for food-related meeting expenses. There are two main ways through which food expenses can be incurred. The first is through Donovan Dining-related meal stipends and catering for on-campus meetings. The second is reimbursement for off-campus meetings. For Donovan-Dining-catered meetings, please contact Donovan Dining and arrange meeting details. Accounting will mail you an invoice for the meeting costs anywhere from a week to a month after the event. Please ensure the account details are correct and return the signed invoice to the location noted above. For off-campus meetings, please keep track of the participants, the agenda and any receipts for items purchased. Alcohol is not an allowable food or meeting expense. Please contact the Accounting Office for further details. Printing, and Photocopying (60331) For questions, contact: Publishing Services x8464, Purchasing x8047 Form(s) to use: Publishing Services copy request forms or online purchase requisitions (Purchasing) Send form(s) to: Publishing Services copy request forms should go to Publishing Services. Online requisitions are routed automatically. How to spend against it: Printing projects may be accomplished either on-campus through Publishing Services or through an external vendor and the Purchasing Office. However, you may be required to provide a justification if using an outside vendor. For outside vendors, please use the same forms and processes as you would as if paying for any type of supply purchase through the Purchasing Office. For internal print projects, please contact Publishing Services directly. Make sure to provide them with your grants specific identifying codes (listed on page 1 of this guide) to ensure the grant is properly charged. Postage (60321) For questions, contact: Publishing Services x8464 Form(s) to use: Request for mail service slips Send form(s) to: Outgoing mail should be left in your office or departmental outbox; forms will eventually go to the Central Mail Room located adjacent to (and part of) Publishing Services. How to spend against it: You may wish to contact Publishing Services prior to any mass-mailings in order to ensure your grant will be properly billed for postage. There is room on the mail slips to indicate identifying grant information. If you wish to purchase stamps in mass quantities, you may also be able to do so via a purchase requisition through the Purchasing Office. However, you should contact Publishing Services prior to doing this. Tuition (60582) For questions, contact: Grant Accounting x8402 Form(s) to use: Send form(s) to: Please email the Bursars Office and cc Grant Accounting with the names and emplids of students who are to receive tuition remission as well as any applicable courses and numbers. How to spend against it: If you have a tuition line budgeted in your grant account, it is because your proposal budget indicates students or professionals would receive reduced or free tuition (supported by the grant funding) for one or more courses. Therefore, to charge the tuition to the grant instead of to the students or professionals, please email the Bursars Offices and Grant Accounting with student names, emplid numbers, and any applicable course information. Equipment Rental (60382) For questions, contact: Purchasing x8047, Publishing Services x8464 Form(s) to use: Depending on the circumstances, an online purchase requisition or speak with Publishing Services. Send form(s) to: Online requisitions are routed automatically. How to spend against it: If you have an equipment rental line budgeted in your grant, it is most likely for something such as a copier lease agreement. In this situation, please work with Publishing Services and Purchasing to ensure that the grant is properly charged for the cost of the copier. If you are establishing a new rental or lease agreement for something other than a copy machine, please begin your conversation directly with the Purchasing Office in order to determine the best course of action.     Grant # Page  PAGE 5 of  NUMPAGES 8 Updated 9/2017 ()678de < Ͼzl[M[< hKhAWCJOJQJ^JaJhBCJOJQJ^JaJ hKh CJOJQJ^JaJhhCJOJQJ^JaJ hKh_;tCJOJQJ^JaJ hKh] CJOJQJ^JaJ h<}Oh)]CJOJQJ^JaJ h] 56CJOJQJ^JaJ h<}Oh] CJOJQJ^JaJ#h<}Oh($5CJOJQJ^JaJh}y5CJOJQJ^JaJh<}O5CJOJQJ^JaJ)78     $$Ifa$gdY $IfgdC]$a$gdgd`< =    * 1 ) J ޿ޮޏͮ}kZIII hKh<}OCJOJQJ^JaJ hKh4yCJOJQJ^JaJ#hKh 5CJOJQJ^JaJ#hKh}y5CJOJQJ^JaJ hKhKCJOJQJ^JaJh CJOJQJ^JaJ hKh CJOJQJ^JaJh{KCJOJQJ^JaJ hKhGCJOJQJ^JaJ hKhCJOJQJ^JaJ hKh#rCJOJQJ^JaJ + 7 G K L    2 = ? 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