Dr. Mary Ellen Kregler Faculty Professor emailmkregler@ric.edu local_phone401-456-8245 local_offer Department of Music, Theatre and Dance
Dr. Christine Kunkel Faculty Associate Professor emailckunkel@ric.edu local_phone401-456-9624 local_offer Department of Counseling, Educational Leadership, and School Psychology
Dr. Deborah Kutenplon Faculty Associate Professor emaildkutenplon@ric.edu local_phone401-456-9676 local_offer Zvart Onanian School of Nursing
Dr. Katherine M. Lacasse Faculty Professor emailklacasse@ric.edu local_phone401-456-8592 local_offer Department of Psychology
Dr. Paul G. LaCava Faculty Professor emailplacava@ric.edu local_phone401-456-9703 local_offer Department of Special Education
Dr. George T. Ladd Faculty Associate Professor emailgladd@ric.edu local_phone401-456-8570 local_offer Department of Psychology
Ms. Christiane Petrin Lambert Faculty Assistant Professor emailclambert@ric.edu local_phone401-456-8631 local_offer School of Social Work
Scott Lambert Faculty Associate Professor emailslambert@ric.edu local_offer Department of Computer Science and Information Systems School of Business
Dr. Marc C. Lamontagne Faculty Professor emailmlamontagne@ric.edu local_phone401-456-8253 local_offer Department of Physical Sciences